Medical Dermatology

Medical dermatology involves the evaluation and diagnosis for diseases of the skin, hair, lips, and mouth to improve overall health. For more information skin conditions, please see below. You’ll find information on acne, eczema, hair loss, hyperpigmentation/melasma, moles, warts, molluscum, psoriasis, rosacea, and scar revision or removal. For skin cancer screenings, removal or Mohs Surgery, please visit our Skin Cancer page.


Acne is a skin condition that affects men, women, and children of all ages. Multiple factors contribute to breakouts, including hormones, bacteria, inflammation, as well as a genetic component. With this dermatological condition, dead skin cells and natural oils block hair follicles under the skin, causing bacteria to grow. This bacteria irritates your skin and causes pimples.

Acne can range from mild pimples to severe cysts. Any form of blemish can indicate acne, including:

  • Papules
  • Pustules
  • Cysts
  • Nodules
  • Blackheads and whiteheads

Acne can lead to low self-esteem and depression, and you may end up with scars and dark spots on the skin. Scars can be permanent, especially if you don’t seek dermatologic treatment during flare-ups. Treating acne early helps prevent scars.

For more information on acne, go to


Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a relatively common skin condition that’s characterized by dry, itchy skin that may look red and scaly. Eczema is a blanket term used for many kinds of itchy rashes. Eczema can be acute or chronic and may be limited to one part of the body or it may be widespread. Atopic dermatitis is common in babies, but it can develop at any age.

What causes eczema?

Eczema often has a genetic component, but may have different causes, including:

  • Allergies: The same allergens that cause respiratory symptoms in some can case atopic eczema in others. Common allergens include food, pollen, mold, dust, and pets.
  • Temperature fluctuations: Eczema is typically worse in the wintertime, although some patients also notice an increase in symptoms in hot weather or after exercising.
  • Stress: The connection between stress and eczema isn’t well understood, but some people say they experience a worsening of symptoms during periods of high stress or anxiety.
  • Chemical irritants: We are in contact with chemicals every day when bathing, cleaning, cooking, and working. Most everyday chemicals aren’t harmful, but can trigger eczema in sensitive individuals. Common triggers include fragrances and dyes found in soaps or detergents, cosmetics, and even some foods.

Although eczema on its own is not dangerous, it can be very uncomfortable. Sometimes, eczema’s itch can be so intense that it causes patients to scratch until the point of bleeding, leading to potential infection and worsening symptoms. This cycle cannot be broken without effective treatment.

Although there is no cure for eczema, eczema can be managed in many ways including avoidance of triggers, maintaining skin’s moisture, prescription topical medications, injectables, and lifestyle adjustments. Dr. McDaniel will customize a treatment plan that is right for you.

Other types of dermatitis include:

  • Contact dermatitis, resulting from touching a trigger or irritant, such as soap, frangrances, and certain fragrances to name a few
  • Nummular eczema characterized by circular-shaped, itchy lesions on the skin
  • Dyshidrotic eczema, which appears as blisters or pustules on the hands and soles of the feet
  • Seborrheic dermatitis that appears in places with oil-producing glands such as the nose and scalp
  • Stasis dermatitis that appears on the legs on the skin over varicose veins

For more information on eczema, visit

Hair Loss

If you are struggling with hair loss, the hair restoration treatments at McDaniel Dermatology and Skin Surgery Institute can help you regain natural hair and confidence.

Hair loss can occur for a number of reasons, and it can affect people in many ways. Losing hair can cause you to lose confidence and may cause anxiety or stress. There are many Some common causes of hair loss include alopecia areata, stress, illness, autoimmune diseases, androgenetic (hereditary) alopecia, and traction alopecia.  Hair loss can affect the scalp and eyebrows/eyelashes. If you are suffering from hair loss, Dr. McDaniel may recommend a combination of over-the-counter medications, topical treatments, oral medications, injections, and Platelet Rich Plasma.

How Much Does Hair Loss Treatment Cost?

If you elect to undergo hair loss treatment at, you will first have a consultation with Dr. McDaniel. During this consultation, she will assess your current condition and your treatment goals in order to determine the best approach for your hair restoration treatment. Once these variables are considered, we will be able to provide you with the cost of treatment and any associated fees.

For more information on hair loss visit:


Melasma is a common skin problem. It causes brown to gray-brown patches, usually on the face. Most people get it on their cheeks, bridge of their nose, forehead, chin, and above their upper lip. It primarily affects females and can be exacerbated by hormonal fluctuation. Although melasma is harmless, many choose to pursue treatment in order to even their skin tone. One of the most common treatments for melasma is sun protection. This means wearing sunscreen every day and reapplying the sunscreen every two hours. Dermatologists also recommend wearing a wide-brimmed hat when you are outside. Sunscreen alone may not give you the protection you need.

Melasma treatment often involves breaking up the pigment that is responsible for the darker skin tones, resulting in a more even complexion. Dr. McDaniel may recommend one of the following treatments for your melasma or hyperpigmentation concerns:

For more information on melisma, please visit


Moles, also known as nevus, and birthmarks are benign pigmented spots or patches of skin that range in color from tan, brown and black (moles) to red, pink or purple (vascular lesions, such as strawberry hemangiomas or port wine stains). 

Most moles appear on the skin during childhood and adolescence. Moles will grow as the child (or teen) grows. Some moles will darken, and others will lighten. These changes are expected and seldom a sign of melanoma, the most-serious form of skin cancer.

For adults, new moles and changes to existing moles can be a sign of melanoma. Caught early, melanoma is highly treatable. 

Development of moles is mostly hereditary, but sun exposure can increase the number of moles that a person develops. While most melanoma develops in unrelated sites, it can develop in a preexisting mole, so it is important to examine your moles on a regular basis to look for any changes. 

Though most congenital nevi (moles one is born with) are harmless, some of them may develop into skin cancer. Moles exhibiting any of the following warning signs should be examined by a board certified dermatologist immediately: 

  • > 6 millimeters
  • Irregular borders
  • Itches or bleeds
  • Rapidly changes in color, size or shape
  • Has multiple colors
  • Difficult to monitor locations (such as the scalp)

There are several different types of moles:

  • Atypical or dysplastic nevi are moles that have somewhat irregular cells under the microscope. While these lesions are benign, they do indicate that you may have an increased risk of developing a melanoma, especially if you have family members with a history of melanoma.
  • Congenital nevi are moles that appear from birth. If these moles are large (>20cm) or if there are many, you may have an increased risk of developing melanoma.

A vast majority of moles are benign, however if they are irritated or changing, they can be easily removed with a local surgical excision or shave removal. If there is any question about potential cancer, the mole will be sent to a pathologist for further investigation.

For more information on moles, please visit

Warts & Molluscum

Warts and molluscum are both caused by viruses infecting the skin. 


  • Warts are usually raised and rough, but may be flat or smooth. There are several types of warts based on their location. Plantar warts occur on the surface of the feet and may cause pain and discomfort. Warts can spread to other areas of the body and are contagious. They can cause emotional stress and embarrassment.
  • Recurrence is frequent requiring follow-up treatment because the wart virus can infect the normal surrounding skin while being unapparent to examination. The most common treatments include cryotherapy (freezing), Immunotherapy, acid treatments, surgical excision or topicals such as podophyllin, cantharidin (blister beetle juice), bleomycin or squaric acid.


  • Also known as Molluscum contagiosum. Molluscum is most common in children who are 1 to 10 years old. As the name suggests, molluscum is contagious..
  • Molluscum clears over time, but can leave behind scars.
  • Small, painless, dome-shaped papules. They may appear anywhere on the body except the soles of the feet and palms of the hands.
  • The papules may occur in lines, where a person has scratched and caused them to spread.
  • Treatment may be recommended if the bumps are painful, itchy, or infected with bacteria. There are multiple treatment options for Molluscum. Treatment can also be helpful when a child is likely to spread molluscum to other children or has eczema. 

For more information please visit


Psoriasis is a chronic disorder that usually appears as thick, red or white flaky patches. It most often appears on the elbows, knees or mid-section, and scalp though it can appear anywhere on the body. In addition to causing itchy and discomfort, these symptoms often make patients feel self-conscious about the appearance of their skin. It is unclear what causes someone to develop psoriasis, however genetics play an important role.

There are many different types of psoriasis, which will determine your treatment. Moderate to severe psoriasis can be associated with systemic disease including arthritis, diabetes, and coronary artery disease. Dr. McDaniel will work with you to determine the best treatment, including topical, oral, injectable medications including the class of drug known as biologics.

 For more information on psoriasis, please visit


Rosacea is a condition most often seen in patients over 30 that are Fair-skinned, and have light-colored hair and eyes. It may begin as redness or blushing easily. The redness can spread across your face, ears, chest, and back. Rosacea can progress to rash-like areas of pimples and visible blood vessels on the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. You may also experience symptoms like swelling, itchy, irritated eyes, and thickening of the skin. Rosacea has no known cause, but you may be at increased risk if this condition affects a family member too. Rosacea treatment can help you feel better. Treatment can prevent rosacea from worsening and improve your self-confidence and quality of life. Without treatment for your skin, rosacea can become more noticeable. Spider veins may appear on your cheeks from untreated rosacea. 

How is rosacea diagnosed?

 In most cases, Dr. McDaniel can diagnose acne and rosacea during a physical exam. Medical tests aren’t available to confirm a diagnosis of these conditions. Rosacea is not curable, but it can be kept under control with topical and oral medications.  Laser and Intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) can be used to help diminish broken blood vessels that result from rosacea. Dr. McDaniel will customize a treatment plan for your rosacea.

For more information on rosacea, please visit


Scar Revision & Removal

Scars are often left behind after surgery, injury and even acne. Sometimes, the body makes an excessive amount of extra tissue and you see a raised scar that is bigger than the original wound. This type of raised scar is called a keloid. You may see a sunken scar if something causes a lot of inflammation in your skin, such as acne or chickenpox. This happens because the inflammation destroys collagen in your skin. This type of scar tends to appear when acne or chickenpox heals.

Although scars are harmless, they affect the appearance of the skin by leaving certain areas discolored and rough. Scars can also be painful or itchy. Scar removal or scar revision treatments are designed to reduce the appearance of scars and create smoother, clearer skin. Treatment options depend on the type of scarring an individual has. Some common treatment options for scars include:

At McDaniel Dermatology and Skin Surgery Institute, we offer multiple scar revision techniques. During your consultation, we will assess your skin to determine the best treatment, or combination of treatments, for your scar treatment. Call us today at 985-277-5463 to schedule your consultation.

For more information on scars, please visit

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