Hair Loss

If you are struggling with hair loss, the hair restoration treatments at McDaniel Dermatology and Skin Surgery Institute can help you regain natural hair and confidence.

Hair loss can occur for a number of reasons, and it can affect people in many ways. Losing hair can cause you to lose confidence and may cause anxiety or stress. There are many Some common causes of hair loss include alopecia areata, stress, illness, autoimmune diseases, androgenetic (hereditary) alopecia, and traction alopecia.  Hair loss can affect the scalp and eyebrows/eyelashes. If you are suffering from hair loss, Dr. McDaniel may recommend a combination of over-the-counter medications, topical treatments, oral medications, injections, and Platelet Rich Plasma.

How Much Does Hair Loss Treatment Cost?

If you elect to undergo hair loss treatment at, you will first have a consultation with Dr. McDaniel. During this consultation, she will assess your current condition and your treatment goals in order to determine the best approach for your hair restoration treatment. Once these variables are considered, we will be able to provide you with the cost of treatment and any associated fees.

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